Observation type
Snowpack Observer Annonymous Keep me anonymous if published yes Location (general area) Wrightwood Latitude Longitude Date (yyyymmdd) 20230225 Time 1300 Road conditions to area impassable Temperature 23F Sky Overcast (sky covered) Wind speed Light (1-16mph Flags/twigs in motion) Wind direction S Wind direction in degrees Slope aspect North Aspect in degrees Slope angle 25 Elevation 6500' Snow depth 110cm Boot/ Ski penetration Precipitation Medium Activity, recent avalanches yes Brief description Whumphing noises, shooting cracks. collapsing no Rapid warming no Obvious avalanche path no Terrain trap no Comment Ventured out with a conservative route plan as this mega storm was winding down to see how much fell and what the snowpack is like. My partners and I toured to a ~25deg stand of oak and pine that would almost certainly never be skiable in normal years. Snow in our low-ish elevation tour seems right side up with high quality cold, dry powder rounding out the storm. Pit at ~6500ft on a 25deg North slope. 110cm deep 0-5 knife hard ice (remnants from earlier this winter) 5-55 4F 55-110 fist CT14 at 40cm, Q3 shear Snow hasn't bonded well to the icy/corn base but wasn't reactive in column test We did observe a D1 dry loose slide on a small ~40deg slope on our return home. However, there were not other observed signs of instability during our tour. Publish this observation Yes I would like this observation Published |