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Snowpack Observer Anonymous Keep me anonymous if published yes Location (general area) Eastern San Gabriel Mountains Latitude Longitude Date (yyyymmdd) 20210207 Time 1130 Road conditions to area Temperature 45F Sky clear (no clouds) Wind speed Calm (smoke rises vertically) Wind direction not observed Wind direction in degrees Slope aspect North Aspect in degrees Slope angle 30 Elevation 7600ft Snow depth 75cm Boot/ Ski penetration Precipitation None Activity, recent avalanches No Brief description Whumphing noises, shooting cracks. collapsing no Rapid warming no Obvious avalanche path no Terrain trap no Comment Toured up a mostly North facing ridge after an unseasonably warm week following last Thursday's dumper--with suitably low expectations. Temp was 36F at 6200ft at 8:30am; never got below freezing overnight. Uphill travel required a bit of hiking and some creative (read: bushwacking) roues to stay on aspects that had not yet melted out. We decided to call it at ~7,800ft, have a snack, enjoy the lovely weather, and wait for the snow to soften. There were a few decent turns to be had on the descent, but mostly just punchy melt/freeze crap. Dug a pit on a 30 degree slope at ~7500ft on the way back down at around 11:30. Depth was 75cm on a NNW shaded aspect, with a 1F hard surface followed by a P hard melt/freeze layer lurking between about 46-51cm from the ground. Below that was firm, consolidated snow. Quick column test confirmed that the snowpack is cohesive and well bonded. Enjoy that corn skiing where you can get it, but keep your fingers crossed we get another round of storms to build on this base before it melts out. Publish this observation Yes I would like this observation Published |