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Snowpack Observer Allen Giernet Keep me anonymous if published no Location (general area) Mt. Baden Powell Latitude Longitude Date (yyyymmdd) 20190325 Time 1300 Road conditions to area dry and clear except when you turn onto Hwy 2 from big pines. Wet areas in the morning were black ice Temperature 8°C Sky clear (no clouds) Wind speed Light (1-16mph Flags/twigs in motion) Wind direction SE Wind direction in degrees Slope aspect North Aspect in degrees Slope angle Elevation 9,348' Snow depth 119cm Boot/ Ski penetration BP 5cm SP minimal Precipitation None Activity, recent avalanches yes Brief description Wet slide activity on NE and NW aspects Whumphing noises, shooting cracks. collapsing no Rapid warming yes Obvious avalanche path yes Terrain trap yes Comment Firm conditions on the uptick in the morning. Firm and crusty at the summit - wind board breakable crust just off ridge and softening quickly in the afternoon. A short distance below the summit areas were firm with no BP to 20cm BP in other locations. There was a 1cm crust on top of 7cm of softer snow on top of a solid ice block. Not able to dig a pit due to ice layer approximately 8cm down. surface was edge able up high and snow became softer corn while descending. Loose Wet avalanche debris was refrozen on the decent from several side chutes. There was evidence of very large avalanches on the Hwy 2 probably from the valentines day rain event. Good turns where there was no avalanche debris. Ice layer was just below the surface and felt on some turns. Publish this observation Yes I would like this observation Published |