Observation type
Snowpack Observer Anonymous Keep me anonymous if published yes Location (general area) Waterman summit Latitude Longitude Date (yyyymmdd) 20200411 Time 10:00am Road conditions to area open and wet Temperature Sky clear (no clouds) Wind speed not observed Wind direction not observed Wind direction in degrees Slope aspect not observed Aspect in degrees Slope angle Elevation Snow depth Boot/ Ski penetration Brief description Comment Dug a pit a check stability near the summit of Waterman. New snowfall measured 14", and was moist and heavy. Thin, light, dry crust on top. 1cm sugar layer between old snow pack and storm layer. Storm layer broke with heavy pounding and no propagation. Zipper crust turned to paste by noon on second ascent. No instability of slides on our descent, but noticed wet slides on steep angle sun exposed faces after 12pm. Publish this observation Yes I would like this observation Published |